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6 Best Ways to Get Through The Two Week Wait

1# Don’t Test Until Missed Period

Try your best not too test until at least the first day of your missed period. I know it can be hard but testing too early can bring up your anxiety and stress levels during the two week wait. Tests are 99% accurate one the day after your missed period anyway. This way you’ll get to save money on those extra pregnancy tests that you would have used while testing at 8, 9 and 10 dpo (days past ovulation). Usually when testing early you may or may not see a super faint line. Those faint lines will get a person in a place where they are constantly staring at the test into the light wondering if it is all in their head or if it is indeed a line showing up. That’s too much stress. Might as well wait a bit longer before you start testing.

2# Focus On Things That Make You Feel Good

Make it two weeks of listening to your favorite songs, work on a project that you have been putting off, or get involved in activities that will get your mind off of trying to conceive. Remember a happy person is a healthier person. Stress and health are closely related to each other. Happiness Program by Corey Davis

3# Read Pregnancy Related Scriptures

The bible says if we meditate on God’s word we will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit in season. God’s word also says, if we keep our minds on him then he will keep us in perfect peace. It’s through his word that our mind are renewed and they enemy can’t torment us with ungodly thinking.

4# Greatly Reduce Reading TTC Forums

Reduce the amount of time you invest in reading pregnancy related symptoms on trying to conceive forums. This can indeed make things worse because you’ll start analyze every single activity in your body. You’ll wonder is this pregnancy related or just normal pre-menstrual symptoms. After looking and searching the internet it is easy to find yourself lost in time. Precious hours will be spent which should have been invested in quality time spent with your loved ones.

#5 Go to Church

Getting in God’s presence will always lift the heavy weight off of you and give you the endurance you need to stay encouraged. Being in a place where the word of God is being taught builds you up enabling you to know who you are and how to win every battle spiritually. The word of God contains the keys to unlock doors, win battles, and to overcome the storms of life.

#6 Volunteer

Getting your mind off your problem and on how you can serve others is always a good prescription for putting your life into proper perspective. Make a sacrifice of devoting your two weeks to helping the homeless, giving to the poor, visiting seniors, or helping out someway within your local community. There is always someone who situation is far worse than yours. Sometimes getting the focus off ourselves is a good remedy to have blessings come our way.


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