My name is Andrea Scott, I would like to share my story with you how God helped me through 7 years of infertility, which included 4 miscarriages. The trying to conceive community often feels as if they are suffering in silence and are not of any concern to others. I'd like to be a voice of inspiration of those on the Journey. Infertility affects over 1.5 million American married women. I never knew that I would get married and then experience seven years of infertility, which included four miscarriages. I can remember spending countless hours on the internet searching through articles, videos, blogs and forums for fertility tips. I experienced a lot of pain, heartache and tears for many years. One time it got so bad, I invited my husband to leave me, telling him that I totally understand. During that time, I felt as if I was not fulfilling my duty as a wife and woman. To myself, I said the very thing that a woman is created to do I can't do. After being honest with him concerning my feelings, he looked at me and said don't you ever say that again” I didn't marry you for children, I married you because I love you. I can remember the times of feeling alone, cursed, and abandoned by God. Now, looking back it seems as if it was all a dream. It seems unreal as if it wasn't me who went through such hardship. My husband comes from a Jamaican family where getting pregnant was not a challenge. Most of the women in his family were able to birth from 2-8 kids and on my side of the family it was about the same. No one I was close to had ever talked about any infertility. I
thought that maybe someone had worked witchcraft or a curse was placed on me that just
wouldn’t break.
I personally know the emotional effects that infertility can have on your personal life and marriage. I can remember what it is like to have so many people ask the same question over and over again. “When are you guys going to have a baby?” Many times, I wanted to say obviously if you already see that we don’t have any kids by now then this means were having some challenges. Other times, I wanted to say, “I don’t know, ask God.” My process had drawn me even closer to God to find out what was in his heart and mind for my case. I didn’t allow the voice of the enemy to cause me to forsake my belief in God and the power of Christ. I knew that God could do it; I just didn’t know when he'd do it for me. I just wanted some understanding of the purpose of why I was going through so much difficulty in bearing children. Throughout the years, we attended so many baby showers. It got to the point where I decided to be a blessing and give away some of the baby clothes we had gotten from our past pregnancies. They were all brand new unused clothes that were hanging up in the closet for years.
There was something about praying for others that brought me fulfillment and a since of purpose.
I started Pregnancy By Faith Ministry in 2009 while I was still trying to conceive. I'd get tons of emails and prayer requests from couples all over the world believing for children. I was faithful in ministry and saw many breakthroughs in the lives of others, such as, menstrual cycles regulated, miscarriage symptoms stopped, tumors shrink, miracle conception and more. All of this left me to say what about me Lord.
On August 09, 2013 we visited a church called Miracle Temple in Chicago. As I began to hand the man of God my offering, he said” woman of God, the Lord is going to release a healing to you. I said thank you, Jesus, but I was not excited because throughout the years I had already had so many prophecies given to me concerning having babies. After the Prophet spoke that word to me he then spoke another word immediately after and said: ” God is going to release a healing to you in your female parts.” I lifted my hands and I begin to praise God out loud. It was a praise that came up out of my spirit and in the midst of praising him I suddenly started to feel warmth in my lower parts. At that moment, I knew I was healed. That was during the seventh year of my marriage in August, the eighth month which represents new beginnings. The very next month in September, this is also the month of my husband’s birthday and I ended up missing my period. I was so scared to take a pregnancy test up to even 5 to 6 days late. Finally, I mustered up some courage to visit a clinic to get tested. I told the nurse that I was so nervous. After she had administered the test she just looked at me and didn’t say a word. I was like what? To my surprise the test was positive and I began to weep and cry tears of joy. My miracle baby Josiah was born in 05/03/2014. God was faithful to his word and manifested his promise to me. Then without even trying to conceive I got pregnant again around the exact same time in August and our second miracle baby’s due date was 05/19/2016. God in his infinite mercy has blessed us with two boys. This is more than what I could even as or think. I am so grateful to God for blessing me with such a strong, faithful husband who supported and stood by me all this time. Not only did he suffer with me but now he is able to rejoice with me. To all the married couples out there stay strong and keep believing because with God infertility
has an expiration date.
Story updated.....in 2021 Andrea and Peter welcomed baby #4 Jasmine D. Scott to the world. From multiple miscarriages to multiple miracles. :)